Lugar de Origen: Ohmgar
Edad: 12
Raza: Tortle
Clase: Monk
Background: Hermit
Alineamiento: Lawful Good
Características Físicas
Estatura: 5
Peso: 400
Piel (Color): Dark green and brown
Ojos (Color): Brown
Pelo (Color): No hair
Gura (Monk nivel 5)
Gura no tiene backstory.
Rasgos: ???
Ideales: ???
Lazos: ???
Fallas: ???
Aliados y Organizaciones
Gura no forma parte de ninguna organización hasta ahora.
What many tortles consider a simple life, others might call a life of adventure. Tortles are born near sandy coastlines, but as soon as they're able to walk on two legs, they become nomad survivalists eager to explore the wilderness, experience its many wonders, put their skills to the test, and make new acquaintances.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Aquan
Ability Score Improvements: +2 Strength, +1 Wisdom
Race Traits
A master of martial arts, harnessing the power of the body in pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection.
Hit Points
Hit Die: d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Monk level after 1st
Primary Abilities: Dexterity, Wisdom
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Strength, Dexterity
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Skills: Choose 2 skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, Stealth
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons and shortswords.
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one type of the artisan's tools or one musical instrument.